Empowering leaders for effective solutions
The Executive Leadership Program in Early Childhood Development targets public administrators civil society leaders, academics, and communication professionals.
The program is structured into three immersive modules where participants create an action plan to address early childhood challenges within their contexts.
The first module features a week of in-person activities at Harvard University in Cambridge, USA. The second module is conducted remotely, followed by a third module in São Paulo, in collaboration with Insper. Throughout these modules, participants refine their action plans with guidance from experienced facilitators.
To enhance decision-making capabilities, the program covers essential aspects of early childhood development, including education, health, social services, parenting, equity, policy implementation and evaluation, and leadership effectiveness.
Academic partnerships enhancing early childhood
Since 2023, the NCPI has been collaborating with the Harvard School of Public Health and Insper to deliver this program, coordinated by professors Marcia Castro and Aisha Yousafzai. This partnership builds on the legacy of the first eleven editions conducted by Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child.
Results of the initiative
Since its first edition in 2012, the Executive Leadership Program has enrolled over 650 participants who have played a crucial role in shaping or influencing pivotal policies, programs, and actions. These include the Legal Framework on Early Childhood, the National Pact for Early Childhood, and the National Network of Parliamentary Caucuses for Early Childhood, among others. Below are key metrics demonstrating the initiative’s impact.
Participants across national and international editions of the program
Action plans developed tailored to specific contexts
Editions conducted, including 11 international and 2 national
Participant profile:

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