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Our materials present relevant scientific content on early childhood in Brazil and provide recommendations for Brazilian public officials. Therefore, they are presented entirely in Portuguese.

Desigualdades em saúde de crianças indígenas

O calor extremo afeta o desenvolvimento e a saúde na primeira infância

Como a violência influencia o desenvolvimento das crianças?
What does the science for early childhood center do?
NCPI is a coalition that produces and disseminates scientific content on early childhood development; its goal is to strengthen public policies aimed at addressing inequalities affecting Brazilian children up to 6 years old

Dissemination and awareness
Apoiamos a produção e divulgação de estudos baseados em evidências científicas para orientar a sociedade sobre a importância da primeira infância.
Dissemination and awarenessMobilization and capacity Building
We connect policymakers, academics, and civil society leaders, and promote training to encourage the development of better policies for children
Explore our initiativesAddressing inequalities
We stimulate reflections on how race, region, and family income impact children and propose recommendations to bridge these gaps
Learn moreValuing diversity
We work through collaboration across various fields of knowledge to find solutions that address the complexities of early childhood demands in the country
Meet the Scientific Committee
Researchers united for early childhood
Renowned experts make up this group, which is the foundation of the NCPI. Through their collaboration, strategic documents are produced to inform society and promote public policies for children aged 0 to 6 years and their families.
Learn MoreIntegrated actions to advance the cause
Focused on promoting collaborative solutions, the NCPI fosters the exchange between science and public policies through various projects

Executive Leadership Program
A training program aimed at mobilizing and equipping leaders to enhance the development and implementation of policies, programs, and actions focused on early childhood developmen
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Science for Early Childhood Award
This initiative aims to identify and recognize early childhood researchers from across Brazil, promoting and disseminating scientific knowledge to support the formulation and improvement of public policies
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International Symposium
Centered on sharing scientific evidence on early childhood and best practices, the event aims to drive public debate on issues relevant to the well-being of Brazilian children
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Leadership Community
A mobilization strategy through which former participants of the Executive Leadership Program stay connected and are encouraged to work together to improve the lives of young children in Brazil
Show moreHow NCPI can support you
We lead activities and provide a range of resources to support your efforts for the well-being and full development of early childhood in Brazil
Systematization of impactful scientific evidence
Central themes related to early childhood are presented in a straightforward and objective manner through research about the diverse contexts experienced by Brazilian children
Actions to drive practices, policies, and programs
Our actions are aimed at high and mid-level public officials in the executive and legislative branches, members of the judiciary, and civil society
Qualified spokespeople on multiple early childhood issues
We have early childhood experts available to journalists and opinion leaders to discuss child development, and we also provide original studies and infographics on the topic
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